Bree Najera, Author at Motherly

Bree Najera

Bree Najera is a wife, a mother and a Lyme disease fighter. It is her passion to help other moms declutter daily life to make space for joy! You can find her and her thoughts at Room for Joy.

The Holidays

5 ways to simplify Christmas—and embrace the joy—this year

5. Limit your commitments so you can focus on family time. ✨

Real Feeding Stories from Real Mamas

I wasn’t able to breastfeed—and I’m still a good mom

You are a mother, however your child is fed. 


Halloween brings my whole family together—and I love every second of it

The entire family gets to be “kids” for the night.

Health & Wellness

How I survive a sick day with my kids

2. You have permission to slow down.


When to drop everything + listen to your kids

Let’s get better at recognizing essential moments—those times when your child’s need for love trumps your own agenda.


5 overlooked joys my toddler has taught me to appreciate

Your toddler’s perspective can be eye-opening.


5 lies I seriously believed when I first became a mom

Luckily, here’s the real truth.


The ways my disability is also a gift to my child

There are compromises. But, in those compromises are invaluable lessons. ❤️
