
Anne-Marie Gambelin

Science + Research Editor

baby doing tummy time on a bed

It’s science: Wanting to ‘eat’ your baby makes you a better parent

Go ahead and nibble on your baby's cheeks. Research says it makes you an even better parent.

Updated May. 25, 2024
woman lying in bed experiencing postpartum night sweats

Postpartum night sweats: Also known as your own private summer

Although annoying, postpartum night sweats are common and usually not a cause for alarm.

Updated Jun. 18, 2024
mom holding newborn in bed - postpartum shaking

Yes, you might shake after giving birth—and it’s totally normal

I wish someone had warned me about postpartum shaking.

Updated Jan. 26, 2024
woman sitting with a cup of coffee on a couch

It’s science: Clutter can definitely give you anxiety

Clutter creates stress that has major neurological effects on us.

Updated Aug. 07, 2024
roughhousing: dad tossing child into the air

Here’s why roughhousing with your kids is good for them—really

All the noise and pummeling can be a little alarming. But lots of research suggests that regular roughhousing sessions make for happier, more successful children.

Updated Jan. 07, 2022
teenage girl wearing headphones

Why your teen will tune you out

In preparation for adulthood, teens’ brains are biologically programmed to prioritize unfamiliar voices.

Updated Jun. 17, 2022
couple cuddling in bed

It’s Science: Taking a vitamin C supplement may put you in the mood

One study shows vitamin C may increase the frequency of a certain type of sexual activity.

Updated Oct. 31, 2022
two positive pregnancy tests with one showing faint line on pregnancy test

What does a faint line on a pregnancy test mean?

We thought it was a yes-or-no question.

Updated Aug. 28, 2023