Keeping kids entertained during breaks from school is no easy feat, especially during the toddler years—something that Andy Cohen can relate to. Cohen took his two children on a spring break road trip to a museum, sharing the hilarious car conversation he had with his 5-year-old son Ben and 23-month-old daughter Lucy, both of whom had some strong feelings about the entire thing.

“Greetings from Spring Break!” Cohen captioned the clip, which is a close-up of his face as he chauffeurs his toddlers in the backseat. “Lucy, say ‘poo poo,’” Ben can be heard saying to his younger sister, with the Bravo creator shaking his head before piping in with: “Lucy, say ‘Lucy.’”

Lucy wasn’t having any of it, simply responding, “No!” to her dad and brother. As for Ben, well, he suddenly decides he no longer wants to go to the museum at all.

“Dad, you don’t tell me what to say,” he says, with Cohen frowning. “And Daddy,” Ben continues. “When in the world are we going to be at …?”

“At the museum?” Cohen asks in response. “I don’t want to go to the museum,” says Ben.

“It’s going to be fun,” Cohen insists. “Dad, please don’t take me there,” Ben protests.

“OK, well, you want me to just take Lucy?” Cohen asks.

“Yeah, just go back to our house,” Ben replies.

Lucy then chimes in with a chorus of “dada,” with the exhausted dad simply replying, “Yes, Lucy. I love you, Lucy.” Cohen then gets ambitious, asking Ben to teach her something else.

“Lucy, say ‘poo poo’” Ben says, prompting Lucy to yell, “No!” Cohen just shakes his head in defeat.

Even though it seems like the car ride was mildly stressful, here’s hoping that the trio had a fabulous time at the museum after all. When a commenter asked if Ben enjoyed the museum, Cohen shared that he “loved it.” 

Any parent knows that only three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and toddlers finding toilet humor utterly hilarious, so Cohen is in good company when it comes to the “poo poo” phase. At least Lucy knows what’s up. Ah, toddlers.