Christmas is just over a week away, and if you’re a mom, that means you’ve probably already decorated the entire house, bought and wrapped all the presents (including your own), made holiday plans, coordinated family photos and then printed said photos onto holiday cards that you mailed out, took your kids to see Santa, and moved that damn Elf on the Shelf in the middle of the night more than you’d like to admit. You’re exhausted, and the big day isn’t even here yet. But you’re going to make it magical for your family, if it’s the last thing you do!

Instagrammer Darryl Provato Prendergast (@geriatrictiktokmom) sounds like she might be one of those moms, and her young daughter made a hilarious reel documenting what it’s like to be a mom on Christmas morning. 

The reel begins with her daughter, donning a bathrobe and messy bun, standing at the bottom of the staircase, phone in hand, asking the kids if they thought Santa came. Next comes the warning to not open anything until she takes a picture, and bringing out a trash bag for the wrapping paper. 

In an obnoxious voice, she yells “Alexa, play classic Christmas music,” with a coffee mug in her hand, before delivering the funniest line of the video: “I think I see one more behind the tree,” she says with an overdramatic wink. The video ends with her FaceTiming grandma, saying the kids want to thank her for what they got, while aggressively motioning for her children to get in frame, and asking her kids if they’re happy with what they got while nodding her head.

Prendergast asked her 156,000 followers if she should convince her daughter to do a part two this year, and it was met with a resounding YES!

“Yes how much do we need to pay her I need a sequel,” one person wrote in the comments.

“This will always be a fan favorite,” wrote another. “My daughters ask to watch it all the time too and tell me it’s me.”

Although this reel is meant to be funny and certainly is, there is a lot thrust onto moms’ shoulders during this time of year, and it can be seriously overwhelming—especially with social media bombarding you with other families’ “perfect” experiences. 
If you’re feeling like you can’t do it all, don’t! We all have our own traditions, and what works for some doesn’t work for others. What’s most important is to listen to yourself and do what’s best for your family and your mental health. However you decide to celebrate, as long as your kids know they’re loved, it’ll be a magical time of year.