In a lengthy Instagram post Pink called out the media’s frustrating tendency to ask women about silly things like a supposed feud versus how they’re able to “stick to the art” with men.

During a recent press interview for her new album, “Trustfall,” Pink was asked about her experience shooting a music video for Christina Aguilera’s 2001 song, “Lady Marmalade.” It’s been over two decades since that song came out. Instead of focusing on her newest musical feat, that singular question brought all of the focus squarely on an ancient “feud.” But, of course, she isn’t letting things lie (as she should).

“I’m so saddened and disappointed by the narrative surrounding some of the press I’ve been doing around my album Trustfall,” the singer began. The caption is set to a cute photo of herself and her son, Jameson, 6, both posing with puckered lips.

Pink shares Jameson and daughter Willow, 11, with her husband, Carey Hart.

“While some of the responsibility lays with me and my inability to lie,” she continues, “and my uncanny ability to overshare—my real disappointment lies in the fact that the art can never be the focus when you’re a woman.”

People reports that the interview at crux of things asked Pink about filming “Lady Marmalade” in the early 2000s. She commented that it was her “least favorite” music video to create. If you remember anything about the hit song, then you know that there were four women starring in the video: Christina Aguilera, Pink, Mya and Lil’ Kim. The internet seemed to think Pink intentionally snubbed Aguilera when she called her other co-stars “nice” but left our Aguilera’s name.

“The fact that I created one of the most beautiful albums with the most beautiful people—sang my a** off, made Myself wholly Vulnerable—eleven albums in, selling out stadiums, raising good kids, steadily Employing hundreds of Good, Hardworking people, the only Thing they ask you about over and over is a silly feud from your Twenties,” she said.

She also made a point to take responsibility for her part. “I take responsibility also—I’m out of Practice Dodging the bulls*** that gets thrown at us hardworking women. I’m notorious For saying too much.”

Working women get the short hand of the stick no matter where they work, what they do or how famous they are. From hounding moms about who watches the kids when they’re at work to asking questions about irrelevant past events, why does it seem like women are always bearing the weight of diplomatically answering questions that never get asked of our male counterparts?

“I wonder when the last time Bradley Cooper or Robert De Niro were asked in interview after interview about any argument they’d ever had. How about Christian Bale?”

“We stick to the art with them, Don’t we? I’d like to have the same opportunity,” the working mom wrote.

“I also believe in authentic apology — and owning Your Mistakes. I should say less. Every time. Say less. Something I’m working on. This was a good Reminder.”

“My wish is To share the pains and the celebrations of this messy life through music and on stage. And I’ve accomplished that. Incredibly and consistently,” she added. “To Christina—you know where we stand. Resolved. Onwards and upwards.”

“And thank you all for listening—and for the 25 years Of kick ass love and support. Peace,” she concluded.