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*We’ve partnered with Skip Hop to help you design your nursery with function and fashion in mind.

One of the most exciting parts of being pregnant is often designing your nursery. But when you’re planning your baby’s room in a small space, you’ve got to think about how to do more with less. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

Nobody knows this mantra more than Manhattan mama Arielle Haspel of Be Well With Arielle, who’s built her wellness business around the concept of clean and simple food. She’s an expert at doing more with less, as a health coach, soon-to-be restaurateur (this Spring!), and now as a mom to baby girl Gemma.

We recently visited Arielle and Gemma in their NYC home to find out how she’s applying her clean and modern viewpoint to her daughter’s small space nursery. Hint: the right gear — like Skip Hop’s Explore & More Jumpscape Foldaway Bouncer — makes a big difference.

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Tell us about your nursery style. How would you describe Gemma’s space?
Sweet and zen.

What are some of the challenges of creating a nursery in a small space?
We’re quite lucky because her room is pretty large for NYC standards. Every week we seem to accumulate more stuff, though, so it feels like there’s never enough space.

How does the right gear make all the difference when it comes to small space living?
I grew up in Manhattan so I’m used to compact spaces. I go crazy with clutter, though. Multi-purpose elements, like a pull-out couch, or baby gear that is easy to fold up and hide in a closet, like strollers or jumpers, make me so, so happy.

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What was your inspiration when you were designing Gemma’s nursery?
I’m usually all about bright, vibrant colors, but I wanted her space to feel calm and serene. I focused on whites, gray and golds. I couldn’t get away with adding a few pops of magenta and turquoise, though!

Is there any sort of theme throughout?
I tried to stick with natural elements and positive vibes: a bouquet of lavender near her crib, a few feather dream catchers, positive affirmations sprinkled throughout the decor and meaningful trinkets on display.

How have you added your own personal touches to the nursery furniture?
In my side life, I design (wellness) jewelry, so I’m all about accessorizing. I recently DIYed her (plain white Ikea) dresser by marbleizing the knobs from stark black to gold and white. It changed the whole look of the dresser and was so fun!

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Anything sentimental or other amazing finds?
We have the shoes my mom learned how to walk in and the rocking chair that my mother-in-law used to breastfeed my husband in! How amazing is that? I also found this amazing designer, “The Digital Studio” on Etsy that creates pretty affirmations and they customized a “Be Well” print for us.

How have your nursery needs evolved as Gemma has grown?
OMG it’s never ending! Everyday it feels like there’s something new to get! In the beginning, it was all about the best tummy time and play mats. Now that she’s beginning to crawl and stand, it’s all about having safe and stimulating places to keep her busy when I can’t tend to her. I haven’t baby proofed my entire apartment yet so the Skip Hop’s Explore & More Jumpscape Foldaway Bouncer is a lifesaver.

image 5237 - Motherlyimage 5238 - Motherlyimage 5239 - MotherlyHow have you brought in pieces or elements that enable you guys to hang out together in her space?
Most of her play time is in a little area near my kitchen so I can watch her when I’m cooking or recipe testing. Since she’s crawling and I haven’t baby proofed my apartment yet, her room is definitely the safest and most spacious place to play and roam.

Baby gear can be notoriously unattractive. How important is it that Gemma’s baby gear fits into your modern, urban aesthetic?
I live and work out of my apartment, so it’s important that it’s not all about baby. That doesn’t mean we can’t find items that work for both of us, whether it’s her cozy white crib bumpers or my Skip Hop’s Wipe-Clean Changing Pad.

If you could give one piece of advice to a mom creating a nursery in a small space, what would it be?
Think about how you want to feel in the room and how you want your baby to feel in the room. Only display items that you know will bring you and your baby joy.

Photography by Stylish & Hip Kids for Well Rounded.

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image 5243 - MotherlySkip Hop Explore & More Jumpscape Foldaway Jumper, $130

image 5244 - MotherlySkip Hop Nursery Style Wipe-Clean Changing Pad, $70

image 5245 - MotherlySkip Hop Light Up Diaper Caddy, $40