Her red carpet life may not be relatable, but actress Mila Kunis’ take on motherhood definitely is: After trying to cast herself in the role of “perfect mom” when her first child was born, Kunis—now a mom of two—says the self-imposed parenting pressure was simply too much.

Now, with a second baby in the mix and a few years of motherhood experience, Kunis says she’s realized every parent’s story requires an ensemble cast of supporters. “Back in the day you would have your aunts and cousins and everyone would help you raise your kids,” Kunis told TODAY this week. “It still takes a village.”

The 34-year-old Bad Moms star previously said that leaning on others is the only way she can even come close to achieving work-life balance. “I have an amazing support system in my life,” Kunis told The Cut in 2016, adding that having the help she needs to do the work she loves makes her a better parent. “That is the only way I’ll be able to be a good mom for my daughter.”

With the Bad Moms movies—and personal comments—Kunis hopes other parents see why it’s important to take pressure off ourselves.

“Simply put, the idea of balance doesn’t exist. You have to be okay with one thing not getting the attention it needs at any particular time,” she told The Cut last year. “It is your work or your kid, but you can’t balance it. There is really, in my opinion, no such thing. One will take a weight.”

Science backs her up, too: Studies show moms who try to do it all have more depressive symptoms than moms who make concessions when it comes to home or work.

So go ahead and call on that babysitter, even if it’s just so you can have a few moments of peace. Or invite your mama friend over for a playdate, even if you have to turn on Sesame Street for the kids so you can have a real conversation.

It sounds like Kunis would approve.