Home / Career & Money To all the hardworking flex-worker moms out there—I see you To the mom who feels like she can never turn work off completely, because it’s always sort of lingering in the background or humming through her mind—I see you. By Colleen Temple September 22, 2017 Rectangle I’m not going to pretend I don’t feel lucky to have a flexible job. I am a work from home, stay-at-home mom hybrid, and I am grateful to be able to pick my daughter up from preschool or take my toddler to the doctor when she’s sick. I love being home with them while also pursuing my passion of writing and connecting with other moms at work. But sometimes, as a working mom, it’s hard to separate my two roles of ‘employee’ and ‘mom.’ Because they blend together. They cross over into each other’s spaces and confuse my brain…and oftentimes, my heart, too. So this flexible job—while a really great situation—definitely does come with its own challenges. Some days, the thought of going into an office and getting work done in peace sounds like a dream. We all know—both sides, office life vs. home life—come with perks and hardships. Being a mother and attempting any sort of work-life balance (no matter what type of job!) is tough. But we’re mamas. Boss ladies. Hard workers. We’ve got this. So if you work from home and have to wear headphones at all times so you don’t hear your baby crying with the babysitter or have had to breastfeed said baby while conducting an interview and had to say these words to your toddler: “Quiet down, please! I am talking to a very prominent urologist!”—I can relate. I know how you feel. And I want you to know—I see you. To the mama who gives thanks to all that she believes in for the mute button on her phone so she can participate in meetings—I see you. To the mom who is finishing writing an article on her phone while waiting in the car for school pickup—I see you. To the mama taking her kiddo to the park in between work calls and brainstorms, trying to give both parties the attention they deserve—I see you. To the mother who is scheduling a meeting while she cooks dinner, unloads the dishwasher and breaks up a fight over a toy—I see you. To the mom who decides that yeah, she can be a mom and work a lot of hours and take care of the house and do it all—I see you… especially when it all falls apart. To the mama who puts that pressure on herself to do it all, to make it all work because she is lucky to have this flexible job—I see you. To the mom who rocks an online video conference call in a cute top, and…sweatpants—I see you. (I mean, honestly, talk about perks!) To the mother who works from home to contribute to the family income but limits childcare to save money and is always caught in that catch-22 of needing childcare but trying to limit spending—I see you. To the mama who is overwhelmed by staring at the sink full of dishes and that nagging feeling of knowing there are about five loads of laundry to do while you’re working but are also feeling super guilty about letting stuff around the house go—I see you. To the mother who wants to list out all that she got done during the day to her husband to justify why the house is so messy, even though she knows she doesn’t have to—I see you. To the mom whose car has turned into her mobile office where the nuisance of being trapped there during nap time turns into the productivity of turning an excel sheet into numbers magic—I see you. To the mama who is up late finishing briefs and notes and scheduling because she prioritized kids activities and “mom stuff” during the day and now has to play catch up—I see you. To the mom who feels like she can never turn work off completely, because it’s always sort of lingering in the background or humming through her mind—I see you. To the momprenuer building a business from her kitchen, while her kiddos paint on their easel and play with Legos in the living room, inspiring us all—I see you. To the mother who feels conflicted about sending her child off to daycare while she is at home working—because she feels like if she is home, he should be home—but also knows that it’s hard for her to get work done hearing him in the house—I see you. To all the mamas—who work from home or in the office—who are showing their kids day in and day out that you can be a mother and pursue your dreams or provide for your family—I see you. I also applaud you. I’m motivated by you. And I thank you for what you do. ? The latest News Tokyo announces free daycare—but will it solve the birthrate crisis? Family Finances & Budgeting ‘We’re working for daycare’: How American individualism and economic forces are breaking families News ‘My salary doesn’t cover daycare’: A mom’s viral TikTok highlights the need to rethink childcare costs Work & Motherhood Amy Adams opens up about crying in closets and the pressure to be ‘good at everything’ as a new mom