December 2019 Motherly

December 2019

Baby Shopping Guide

Montessori at home: Choosing holiday gifts that encourage independent play

Plus, our favorite picks to add to your cart.

Celebrity News

Kim Kardashian is refreshingly honest about photoshopping North into family photo

The holiday card taking picture struggle is real.


Being a SAHM can be a thankless job—and yes, it’s real work

I am the always-on-call parent. And if I miss any of it, if I slip up, that's all on me, too.


Boys can cry, too

I don't think I will ever understand the notion that crying is something only women do.

Single Parenting

A love note to the exhausted single mama

The labor requirements of a single mother are uniquely intense. Sometimes when I break it down for myself I feel like a superhero and sometimes I feel even more tired.

Motherhood Understood

Tiiu on feeling guilty for the scary thoughts she had about her baby

"I felt so relieved that I’m not alone and there are so many other people who feel the same way."


My darling, why didn’t anyone tell us how hard it could be?

We're showing our children what hard work and determination look like, of course. But more importantly, we're showing them what working together can accomplish.


10 phrases to inspire your child to make their holiday gifts

2. "Let's think about what Aunt Sally likes."


Time feels so different after you become a parent

There will be a day when he doesn't live under my roof, when marriage and family will multiply the number of people in his life whom he loves more than he loves me.


Diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Here’s what you need to know

The more controlled a woman's blood sugar is during pregnancy, the better.


We still hang her stocking

I want our living child to know that her sister's spirit is with her for her lifetime. That she may not be physically present, but her existence matters and she is loved beyond measure.


Here’s what to focus on this holiday season

Plus 8 memorable photos to take this Christmas.
