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In a perfect world, we would be applauded for our commitment to our families and discouraged from logging on after hours.
The truth is that exercising during pregnancy has a whole host of benefits, so skipping it because you've heard otherwise may not be the best bet.
Lifestyle and dietary modifications can help ease the pain.
Despite feeling blessed with my son, I was extremely weak and was not recovering, even after several weeks had passed. I made an appointment with a cardiologist who immediately sent me to the hospital, where I was admitted for advanced heart failure and wouldn't leave for two months.
With that one comment, this stranger was telling me, in true mom code, the one thing all mothers need to hear: Motherhood is hard—for everyone.
It's all about reducing decision fatigue so that you can focus on what *really* matters, mama.
But the guilt didn't go away.
Here are the viral headlines making us smile this week.
10. "In the morning, we're going to open presents, eat breakfast and then go to Grandma's house."
Easy mouth-watering recipes for the entire family from America's Test Kitchen.
Since 2009, the cost of childcare in America has gone up faster than the price of other necessary goods and services.
Just over 2 million workers got access to paid leave but there are more than 157 million Americans working across the nation.