December 2018 Motherly

December 2018


Finally: Pediatricians urged to screen new moms for perinatal depression 👏

Because when mama gets help, the whole family benefits.

Health & Wellness

My New Year’s resolution? To own up to my mistakes—especially the ones that affect my kids

It’s the New Year, and I have been doing a lot of thinking. I want to say, with all of my heart and all of my soul, that I am sorry.


This milk warmer does so much more than just warm your baby’s bottles

Designed by two parents who saw a serious need.


Thule Sleek Stroller Review

What we think about Thule's first-ever expendable stroller!

Motherhood Understood

Gabbie on self-diagnosing herself with postpartum depression

"I reached out to my OB only to get shut down. He said there was a fine line between PPD and the baby blues."


Kate Hudson’s postpartum recovery is about health first, weight loss second

It's refreshing to see Hudson admitting that a mother's body doesn't change overnight after she gives birth.


My resolution this year? Be more like my toddler

I’m going to start going to the bathroom on the potty instead of my diaper. Actually, maybe I will, maybe I won’t.


Motherhood is: Your heart forever walking around outside of you

Know that because you've given me the honor of motherhood, this relationship has tied our hearts together for eternity.

Toddler Milestones

I look at my 2-year-old and think, ‘Wait, weren’t you just a baby?’

She was just starting to babble and say ‘Mama’ like, a couple of weeks ago, wasn’t it?


5 real ways parents can get more help around the house

What you can do now to eliminate one or two chores from your list and lighten the mental load.
