Home / 2018 / December / Page 10
"No one should suffer in silence."
It's okay to slow down, mama.
A birth control gel for guys is entering phase two of clinical trials.
Out of all this world, you have been chosen for me. Out of all the hustle, the daily tasks, the long nights, full days, teething toddlers, burned meals, impatient words and life's concerns, I still choose you.
When my kids receive a gift from their grandparent, it's the grandparents I watch, not my kids. When the presents produce squeals from the kids' mouths, I can't escape the glint in my parents' eyes. Who am I to stop that?
1. Details matter
While it can feel a whole lot like jumping into the deep end and having no choice but to swim, you aren't in this alone. And you don't have to feel unprepared.
We're not just a uterus. We're not just a lifeline to a new and precious soul. We're mothers. And we need someone to make sure we're okay, too.
Gift ideas for everyone in the family!